Bonus Features
1. Workshops

Dr. Croutch explains at one of our workshops
One of the main purposes of our office is to educate, as well as provide care, for all the families that we see, towards optimal health through natural chiropractic care. We live in a culture of health care that reacts to problems, instead of preventing them. That is why we have a crisis in health care, because it is crisis centered, and does little to encourage people to stay well. That is why we provide our Health Workshops, to spend more time teaching how our body works, and what else people can do to strengthen their natural healing energies. We have 2 main topics that are regularly scheduled, with others added as material is available.
All patients are expected to want to attend these, and anyone from the general public can attend by contacting the office and booking one of the events. Seating is limited, so call now to confirm your spot.
Workshop Topics
How to light the FIRE of natural healing Learn some basic concepts of how the human body maintains optimal health.
Advanced spinal conditioning. We teach patients interested in actually correcting the shape of the spine, using a consistent and coordinated exercises and chiropractic care plan. This is always based on the most recent research, and content may change as the cases require.
Nutrition for health Find out some of the exciting latest information in nutrition about prevention of inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and allergies, as it relates to optimal health and your nervous system.
Upcoming Workshops
All workshops begin at 7:00 p.m. and are open to the public as part of our commitment to better health for our community. Please call our office to reserve your spot, as seating is limited.
MONDAY, April 1st, 2019 at 7:00 p.m.
An Arthritis Diet and Isagenix Workshop ~ No Charge, No Obligation
Information to help you Eat Healthy, Lose Weight and Manage Your Arthritis!
It’s no April Fools Joke!!! Call now to reserve your seat!
Please call 705-324-8211 to Reserve Your Seat!
2. Nutritional Support
Most people are confused, or unaware of the many excellent nutritional, homeopathic and naturopathic solutions there are to many health deficiencies. We provide advice on a variety of nutritional concerns, and have a small supply of items that help in the healing of the specific health problems we see. Understanding which supplement to take among the dozens of choices is difficult to sort out for most people. We supply a basic assortment of supplements to our patients that meet the need of excellent quality for the best cost.
While we are not specialized in homeopathy or naturopathy, there are many simple remedies that support the problems we often see that are effective alternatives to medication you may wish to avoid. As with nutritional supplements, we have researched some excellent products which we can provide direct to the patients, in support of more natural healing.
For more ideas about how nutrition changes can change your health, and to see some of our recommended supplements, please click here to see the excellent information supplied by Dr. Meschino.